Les actualités et conseils pour développer votre carrière à l'international
Françoise Falisse January 11, 2024 Women's gift for embracing life is an asset to support and foster diversity and inclusion around them more spontaneously, wherever they are.Women's gift for embracing life is an asset to support and foster diversity and inclusion around them more spontaneously, wherever they are.I have been dwelling for a long time […]
Five things you need to know before starting your business in Sub-Saharan Africa ... Sub-Saharan Africa seldom leaves foreigners indifferent and trust is a long way to build...
Interacting efficiently with your business partners abroad and reaching people from another culture require more than sharing your expertise in a common language...
I met Eugene Ohu when I was an expatriate in Lagos, Nigeria. As a specialist in cross-cultural management and communication, I asked him to explain how he perceived Nigerian culture and management style in Nigeria …
Could the cultural factor among other factors influence the way Moroccans build business with their foreign partners ? Is there a Moroccan business style ?
S’expatrier signifie bien plus qu’emmener ses bagages, fermer sa porte à clé, prendre un avion et atterrir dans un nouveau lieu pour démarrer une nouvelle fonction le lendemain...
S'expatrier constitue un projet professionnel et de vie qui requiert motivation, réflexion, préparation et implication.
Pour des jeunes femmes managers exposées aux cultures étrangères dans le cadre d’une mission professionnelle à l’international...
How do you communicate with your teams or with colleagues who are locked down in another country? or … Where’s Waldo?
My expertise is acknowledged and certified by leading organizations in the sector.