Françoise Falisse Mes expertises

Françoise Falisse

Modern Nomad for 25 years

As an ICF-certified coach, consultant and trainerI help women embarking upon a career to adapt and communicate effectively in an international environment. At the same time, I inspire them to develop their own human and professional potential as women.

My areas of expertise

Executive Coaching & Personal Development

Business Coaching
Interpersonal communication and leadership skills: analysis of behavioral skills with values and motivations.
Intercultural skills and management of cultural diversity: analysis of cultural preferences.
Leadership communication between the West and Africa
Leadership skills for women embarking upon a career.
Change coaching for expats
Career development and transition
Personal development coaching
Intercultural skills and cultural adaptation for expats: analysis of cultural preferences
Coaching for expat spouses seeking to undertake personal or professional projects
Identity development for women embarking upon a career abroad
Analysis of behavioral skills with values and motivations
Self-knowledge and the search for meaning in life
Self-management and resilience in times of crisis.

My journey

From experiences to inspiration for new dynamics

My experience

A rich and diversified cultural and professional background

I have 25 years’ experience of living and working in Belgium, my home country, and as an expat, in Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria on two occasions and Luxembourg, where I live at the moment.

I have a master's degree in management and a master’s degree in German philology. Before becoming an entrepreneur, I held various positions in sales and administrative management, communication and recruitment in human resources. I also worked as a general management assistant. Over the years, I have become a Modern Nomad.

The trigger

The mirror effect gave rise to an ambition

A coaching assignment for a woman (French, of African origin) in West Africa convinced me that it would be helpful to develop the intercultural skills of these young managers, who represent emerging potential for the company and are sometimes put at risk to guarantee the success of a project abroad. It seemed to me beneficial to do so before they set out on this path.

As I’ve been through a number of culture shocks myself , I am now able to better understand the challenges that this situation can throw up as a woman and an intercultural coach. In this respect, I believe I can help business leaders to create conditions that are conducive to the success of their international project through trust and authenticity. 

My approach

Strong human values at the service of action

I am convinced that coaching provides the best possible support for managers aiming to develop on the international scene and to promote cultural diversity above and beyond prejudices.

It is, in my view, extremely important to build trust with my clients. Moreover, I am firmly convinced that taking proactive action and setting clear targets can change the life of an individual and the lives of those around them.

Coaching managers to help them adapt culturally to their new country and to the professional context gives them stability, fosters their motivation and guarantees that their foreign assignment will be more efficient. 

My key values as a coach sont l'inclusion, l'harmonie, l’intégrité, l'authenticité et la joie. Savoir prendre de la distance, être résiliente et cultiver l'humour revêtent également une grande importance à mes yeux.

A Modern Nomad

A positive mindset, open to the world and to other people

I am extremely fortunate in having been able to realize my dreams of traveling to some extent. This has given me the opportunity to meet some amazing people and get to know myself outside my own frame of reference.  

So I have been able to widen my view of the world and relativize my sometimes restrictive beliefs. I found that I am more creative in unconventional surroundings that allow me great freedom of action. In addition, I came to accept myself more as a woman who prefers to evolve by adapting to major changes. 

Over the years, I have become a modern nomad. I am naturally spontaneous and positive. I like to inspire and encourage others so that they can build their own project, their own vision. The bright colors I like to wear reflect the impact that African culture has had on me as well as my passion for foreign cultures and interpersonal relations.

My family is of paramount importance to me, I am married with three children. I am grateful for their support, their love and their trust. This has enabled me to grow personally and professionally.

Certified Coach

My expertise is acknowledged and certified by leading organizations in the sector.
