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Interviews in which women share their experiences!

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podcast Stephani Widorini
#8 Stephani Widorini en Suisse

Stephani Widorini est mon invitée pour le 8ème épisode de Women Abroad podcast.

Stephani is Indonesian, she currently lives in Geneva, Switzerland where she works as a consultant for the United Nations.

Moving from London to Seoul and now to Geneva led her to take up various cultural challenges.

What she first perceived as career disruptions turned out to become very rich professional and cultural experiences as she grew more aware of her environment.

Mental and cultural agility have also allowed her to better accept the unknown and the uncertainty. For sure there is room to self-fulfil abroad. The road to success is intimately linked to a journey of personal development.

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#7 Ania Łazuka-Banach en Irlande du Nord et à Oman

Ania Banach est mon hôte pour ce 7ème épisode de Women Abroad podcast. Ania est Polonaise et est professeur assistante de linguistique à l’université.

Introspective, elle rouvre des pages intenses de sa vie en Irlande du Nord lorsqu’elle y préparait son PHD et à Oman en tant qu’enseignante dans un collège.

Elle explore différents aspects de l’expatriation telles que la liberté de mouvement en tant que femme à l’étranger et l’importance du contexte religieux dans l’adaptation culturelle.

Avec du recul, ces voyages l’ont transformée et résonnent toujours en elle. Vivre à l’étranger a questionné ses motivations et sa contribution au monde. Cela nourrit sa curiosité et son désir de poursuivre l’aventure.

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#6 Haiqin Huang au Luxembourg

Pour notre 6ème épisode nous partons à la rencontre de Haiqin Huang, jeune docteur ingénieur chinoise vivant au Luxembourg. Haiqin est née et a grandi dans le sud de la Chine où elle a terminé sa licence.

Eager to live and discover Europe, she made the decision to pursue her Master’s and PHD studies first in London, then in Nantes, France, and finally in Luxembourg. Haiqin is now following a two-year MBA program at the Luxembourg School of Business to acquire the necessary management skills to integrate industry.

Haiqin tells us about her professional path with conviction. She shares how her determination to study abroad paid off and how her experiences have contributed to her becoming a more mature and independent woman.

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#5 Chloe Peebles à Bogotá

Our #5 episode brings us today to meet Chloe Peebles in Bogotá, Colombia. Chloe is a French-American early-career woman in international development who decided to temporarily put her career on pause to accompany her husband on a short-term mission in Colombia.

Very enthusiastically Chloe tells us how her exposure to living abroad since she was a child has contributed to develop her cultural agility.

She discovers Bogotá during Covid19, in lockdown. She gives us her first impressions but also the opportunities that this career break can bring her. Finally, she shares with us her experiences of sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America during her previous missions as a project leader.

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#4 Tijana Marovic in Brazil

For this 4th episode of Women Abroad, Tijana Marovic, a young Serbian from Belgrade takes us to discover São Paulo in Brazil.

Depuis toute jeune, Tijana est passionnée de langues et de cultures étrangères. De Strasbourg en France, dont elle nous partage avec enthousiasme son expérience d’étudiante à l’université où elle y étudie un Master en communication internationale, elle s’envole ensuite pour un premier emploi vers São Paulo, au Brésil. Elle y découvre les joies et les défis d’une acclimatation culturelle pas toujours simple dans un pays bigarré, créatif et foisonnant.

With foresight and sincerity, she shares with us her perception of the cultures that she has experienced as a foreign resident while putting her own culture into perspective.

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#3 Arya Rajurkar in Canada

Pour ce troisième épisode de Women Abroad, nous traversons l’océan Atlantique et nous nous arrêtons à Montréal, au Canada. Nous y rencontrons Arya Rajurkar, étudiante indienne qui poursuit un master en business avec une majeure en finance et une mineure en marketing à l’Université Concordia.

I met Arya when I was living in Nigeria, she was then studying her IB in the same school as one of my daughters. Between dream and reality, she explains to us in a very spontaneous way how she adjusted to life in Canada, her major challenges as a foreign student. This experience has allowed her improve her time management skills growing more autonomous and more responsible in her daily life.

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